Looking for fellow disciples to journey with?
growth as disciples is experienced within community.
Click below to find out more!
Discipleship Programmes
School of Christian Leadership (SOCL)
University Students
The School of Christian Leadership is a 10-day discipleship school for university students who wish to grow in relationship with the Lord, and who have a desire to serve in their university communities.
School of Witness
18 to 30 years old
SOW is an 8-week, live-in discipleship school. It is open to any young person between 18 to 35 years of age. The school aims to provide an environment of faith in which young people can be encouraged and challenged to go beyond their comfort zones, to grow in the awareness of who God is and who they are. SOW typically runs from January to March every year, with a short break over the lunar new year holidays.
Looking for fellow disciples to journey with?
growth as disciples is experienced within community.
Click below to find out more!
Discipleship Programmes
School of Christian Leadership (SOCL)
University Students
The School of Christian Leadership is a 10-day discipleship school for university students who wish to grow in relationship with the Lord, and who have a desire to serve in their university communities.
School of Witness
18 to 30 years old
SOW is an 8-week, live-in discipleship school. It is open to any young person between 18 to 35 years of age. The school aims to provide an environment of faith in which young people can be encouraged and challenged to go beyond their comfort zones, to grow in the awareness of who God is and who they are. SOW typically runs from January to March every year, with a short break over the lunar new year holidays.
Curious to know how to live out your faith? Or looking for helpful ways to grow in your spiritual life? We've got you covered.
Read articles about daily discipleship, written by our young people.
Curious to know how to live out your faith? Or looking for helpful ways to grow in your spiritual life? We've got you covered.
Read articles about daily discipleship, written by our young people.
Truth be Told: A Testimony Series
Truth be Told:
A Testimony Series
Well in The Word: A Scripture Series
Well in the Word: How Should I Read Scripture?
Imagine walking into a library where shelves of books line its hallowed halls. Many kinds of books furnish the shelves: works of poetry, tomes of history, fiction novels,
Scripture: His Love Letter to Me
I distinctly remember winning a biblical charades game at a friend’s birthday party when I was in primary school. My team’s representative only managed to gesture “five” and
Well in the Word: Why Should I read Scripture?
Have you ever encountered situations in your life where you’ve wondered: “How do I even make sense of this?” Or in the face of making a decision, thought:
Well in The Word: A Scripture Series
Faith in Our Daily Lives
Faith in Our Daily Lives
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize
Let us persevere in this season of Ordinary Time, running so that we may win the prize – Jesus Christ.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Time to Put On Your Spiritual Blinders
When we are intentionally focused on the Lord, we become sensitive to how we are growing and improving to be the best versions of ourselves with Him.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Charting A Course for Spiritual Growth
In looking at where we have been, and looking at where we are now, we can see how our relationship with Christ and others has evolved
Ordinary Time Growth Series: The Importance of Celebrating Milestones
I am brought to the recognition of an old and everlasting invitation from Jesus: To choose Him.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: The Importance of Embracing Our Failings
We are called to ‘keep swimming’ by staying close to the Lord and by maintaining a relationship with Him through prayer and thanksgiving, regardless of the situation.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Navigating the In-Betweens of Our Journey
What is the in-between? It is a somewhat awkward, uncomfortable, and uncertain place to be. Many things can happen during
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize
Let us persevere in this season of Ordinary Time, running so that we may win the prize – Jesus Christ.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Time to Put On Your Spiritual Blinders
When we are intentionally focused on the Lord, we become sensitive to how we are growing and improving to be the best versions of ourselves with Him.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Charting A Course for Spiritual Growth
In looking at where we have been, and looking at where we are now, we can see how our relationship with Christ and others has evolved
Ordinary Time Growth Series: The Importance of Celebrating Milestones
I am brought to the recognition of an old and everlasting invitation from Jesus: To choose Him.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: The Importance of Embracing Our Failings
We are called to ‘keep swimming’ by staying close to the Lord and by maintaining a relationship with Him through prayer and thanksgiving, regardless of the situation.
Ordinary Time Growth Series: Navigating the In-Betweens of Our Journey
What is the in-between? It is a somewhat awkward, uncomfortable, and uncertain place to be. Many things can happen during
Advent 2022 Series: Away in a Manger
Advent 2022:
Away in a Manger
OYP Away in a Manger: Christmas Reflection
by Anita Zidar Today the Church celebrates the birth of Christ. Emmanuel, the HOPE of the world. Especially for those of us who are cradle Catholics (like myself),
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: LOVE
by Francine Ho What does it mean to truly love another as God desires for us to? What does it mean for us to love like God loves?
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: JOY
by Frances Gan This week’s theme of joy is a personal call for me to open my eyes to the wonder of God’s grace. I was invited to
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: PEACE
I found it rather annoying that taking the time to find peace caused a greater disturbance in my heart. As I sat before the Lord in adoration one
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: HOPE
Since last year, I have been distant from Jesus, constantly afraid to face Him, feeling lost and confused about who I am and my identity in Christ. I
OYP Away in a Manger: Christmas Reflection
by Anita Zidar Today the Church celebrates the birth of Christ. Emmanuel, the HOPE of the world. Especially for those of us who are cradle Catholics (like myself),
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: LOVE
by Francine Ho What does it mean to truly love another as God desires for us to? What does it mean for us to love like God loves?
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: JOY
by Frances Gan This week’s theme of joy is a personal call for me to open my eyes to the wonder of God’s grace. I was invited to
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: PEACE
I found it rather annoying that taking the time to find peace caused a greater disturbance in my heart. As I sat before the Lord in adoration one
OYP Away in a Manger Challenge: HOPE
Since last year, I have been distant from Jesus, constantly afraid to face Him, feeling lost and confused about who I am and my identity in Christ. I