OYP Rite of Christian Initiation for Young People
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OYP Rite of Christian Initiation for Young People
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OYP RCIY Run: July 2024 to May 2025
'Jesus turned around, saw them following... "Come and see" he replied; so they went and saw where he lived, and stayed with him the rest of that day.' - John 1: 37-39
Are you curious about the Catholic faith, or on a search for meaning in life?
The Office for Young People will be starting the next run of RCIY at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd for all young people (ages 19-30) who are seeking to know more about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.
Come and see what hope, love and freedom Jesus Christ desires for and offers you! and what the Catholic faith is about.
OYP RCIY Run: July 2024 to May 2025
'Jesus turned around, saw them following... "Come and see" he replied; so they went and saw where he lived, and stayed with him the rest of that day.' - John 1: 37-39
Are you curious about the Catholic faith, or on a search for meaning in life?
The Office for Young People will be starting the next run of RCIY at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd for all young people (ages 19-30) who are seeking to know more about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church
Come and see what hope, love and freedom Jesus Christ desires for and offers you! and what the Catholic faith is about