Working Adults Ministry

Working Adults Ministry

Our Communities

Our Communities

1 Peter

  • 1 Peter is a community of working adults living out a mission to transform the world by being fully alive in Christ. We gather to be formed, share, fellowship, pray, praise, worship and testify to God’s unfailing faithfulness. Bookclubs, bible study, music jamming, exercise and pilgrimages are pet hobbies

    Journeying together has seen us through various life stages and different seasons of spiritual growth, but we remain a community of disciples living and sharing the love of Christ. Plus, community sessions are never dull—be it with the toothy-smile of a 10-month old, or the musings of a 30-year old!

    Currently, we meet weekly at the Church of Saint Bernadette for cell group sharing and formation sessions.  On top of this, we also grow through various community events as well as communal Eucharistic Adoration and the Celebration of the Eucharist.

  • Description text goes here

Tree of Life

  • Tree of Life desires to be a spiritual community that is rooted in, walks together with, and towards Jesus. We seek to preserve a safe spirit of prayer, authenticity, openness and unity as

    we accompany one another in our journey towards wholeness.

    We gather every week to reflect & share God’s movement in our lives, growing in love and committed to a Christ-centred lifestyle in hopes of encouraging others to also encounter and thrive in the abundant love of Jesus and His Church.

    “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.” – Psalm 1:3

  • Saturdays, 2:00pm to 5:00pm at the Office for Young People (OYP).

Fig Tree

  • Formed in January 2013, the Fig Tree Community is a small group of young adults aiming to deepen our relationship with Christ by being authentic, supporting and challenging one another in our journey of faith.

    We meet once a week, and sessions are centred on scripture, prayer, and a genuine sharing of lives. We also organise regular intellectual formation sessions and social gatherings, and warmly welcome anyone who is interested to come celebrate the end of your hectic work week with us and experience Christ through community. Please contact us before dropping by for more details!

    We warmly welcome all born between 1992 and 1985 to join us! 

  • Fridays, 8pm, at the Catholic Centre (55 Waterloo Street)

Our Father’s House

  • We started off in 2014 as strangers with the name ‘Budding Community’. Through the years we have seen God’s work in our lives, as we see the Lord growing our community in both numbers and in faith!

    We have since multiplied to 2 communities, and now we are Our Father's house. A community for young working adults across the various stages of life.
    Here in community, we learn to live as brothers and sisters in Christ. Learning to worship, break the word, fellowship and share our lives.

    Living in the world, we face many daily challenges and struggles. That is why in community, we focus on being rooted in the Lord, and building the foundations of our lives on communion, prayer and mission. We meet every Saturday for praise, worship, formation, outreach and social sessions.

  • Saturdays, 2pm, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Mensa Christi

  • Mensa Christi stands for "Table of Christ" in Latin. It is also the name of a church in Tabgha, Israel which venerates the spot where Jesus prepared breakfast for His disciples after His resurrection. There Jesus had asked Peter three times,"Do you love me?" and instructed Peter to care for His flock.

    The bible passage from John 21 is therefore a strong reflection of our community. In Mensa Christi, we gather as one family at the Table of the Lord to be nourished by Jesus. At this table, He is at the head and each of us has our own unique seat. There are also empty chairs to be filled, as we invite others to join us in knowing, loving and serving God.

  • Saturdays, 10am, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Revelation 22

  • In 2017, the community responded to God’s call for revival and fresh vision after 3 years as 'Sinners Anonymous'. Revelation 22 is the final chapter in the Bible that beautifully describes the restored garden of Eden - our eternal home - where the river of life flows, flowers bloom, and trees bear fruit all year round. We recognise that we are all sinners restored as children of God, with a common mission to be nurtured and to nurture others in God’s garden. This vision of God's promise to His faithful, is what binds us together in hope and faithfulness.

    We come together in love and authenticity to share our lives and grow in faith through the various seasons of life, always aiming to point each other towards Christ. Sessions are cozy, and we’re an easy-going, joyful bunch with a distinct love for sports, food, and puns.

  • Saturdays, 9.45am at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Mensa Christi

  • We started off in 2014 as strangers with the name ‘Budding Community’. Through the years we have seen God’s work in our lives, as we see the Lord growing our community in both numbers and in faith!

    We have since multiplied to 2 communities, and now we are Our Father's house. A community for young working adults across the various stages of life.
    Here in community, we learn to live as brothers and sisters in Christ. Learning to worship, break the word, fellowship and share our lives.

    Living in the world, we face many daily challenges and struggles. That is why in community, we focus on being rooted in the Lord, and building the foundations of our lives on communion, prayer and mission. We meet every Saturday for praise, worship, formation, outreach and social sessions.

  • Saturdays, 2pm, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Fig Tree

Our Father’s House

  • Formed in January 2013, the Fig Tree Community is a small group of young adults aiming to deepen our relationship with Christ by being authentic, supporting and challenging one another in our journey of faith.

    We meet once a week, and sessions are centred on scripture, prayer, and a genuine sharing of lives. We also organise regular intellectual formation sessions and social gatherings, and warmly welcome anyone who is interested to come celebrate the end of your hectic work week with us and experience Christ through community. Please contact us before dropping by for more details!

    We warmly welcome all born between 1992 and 1985 to join us! 

  • Fridays, 8pm, at the Catholic Centre (55 Waterloo Street)

Revelation 22

  • Mensa Christi stands for "Table of Christ" in Latin. It is also the name of a church in Tabgha, Israel which venerates the spot where Jesus prepared breakfast for His disciples after His resurrection. There Jesus had asked Peter three times,"Do you love me?" and instructed Peter to care for His flock.

    The bible passage from John 21 is therefore a strong reflection of our community. In Mensa Christi, we gather as one family at the Table of the Lord to be nourished by Jesus. At this table, He is at the head and each of us has our own unique seat. There are also empty chairs to be filled, as we invite others to join us in knowing, loving and serving God.

  • Saturdays, 10am, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

  • In 2017, the community responded to God’s call for revival and fresh vision after 3 years as 'Sinners Anonymous'. Revelation 22 is the final chapter in the Bible that beautifully describes the restored garden of Eden - our eternal home - where the river of life flows, flowers bloom, and trees bear fruit all year round. We recognise that we are all sinners restored as children of God, with a common mission to be nurtured and to nurture others in God’s garden. This vision of God's promise to His faithful, is what binds us together in hope and faithfulness.

    We come together in love and authenticity to share our lives and grow in faith through the various seasons of life, always aiming to point each other towards Christ. Sessions are cozy, and we’re an easy-going, joyful bunch with a distinct love for sports, food, and puns.

  • Saturdays, 9.45am at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

  • Tree of Life desires to be a spiritual community that is rooted in, walks together with, and

    towards Jesus. We seek to preserve a safe spirit of prayer, authenticity, openness and unity as

    we accompany one another in our journey towards wholeness.

    We gather every week to reflect & share God’s movement in our lives, growing in love and committed to a Christ-centred lifestyle in hopes of encouraging others to also encounter and thrive in the abundant love of Jesus and His Church.

    “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.” -Psalm 1:3

  • Saturdays, 2:00pm to 5:00pm, at the Office for Young People (OYP).

1 Peter

  • 1 Peter is a community of working adults living out a mission to transform the world by being fully alive in Christ. We gather to be formed, share, fellowship, pray, praise, worship and testify to God’s unfailing faithfulness. Bookclubs, bible study, music jamming, exercise and pilgrimages are pet hobbies

    Journeying together has seen us through various life stages and different seasons of spiritual growth, but we remain a community of disciples living and sharing the love of Christ. Plus, community sessions are never dull—be it with the toothy-smile of a 10-month old, or the musings of a 30-year old!

    Currently, we meet weekly at the Church of Saint Bernadette for cell group sharing and formation sessions.  On top of this, we also grow through various community events as well as communal Eucharistic Adoration and the Celebration of the Eucharist.

  • Description text goes here

Tree of Life


  • Fresh into the working world, we were excited about beginning a new chapter of our lives. However, we were also terrified that we would become just a cog in the corporate wheel and lose sight of God. Knowing that we are created not for isolation but communion, we found that journeying with fellow brothers and sisters was one way in which we could keep our gaze on the Lord. That's how Spero began in 2014: A simple desire for Christ, a recognition of the importance of companions and faith the size of a mustard seed. We remain a community of believers ever striving to make God the centre of our lives. We foster faith by recognising and growing to live fully in our identities in Christ. No matter where you are in your life now, we welcome you and we will walk with you on this oftentimes crazy but beautiful journey as sons and daughters of the King.

    Our Name Spero means ‘I hope’ in Latin. This is a unique hope, one that is anchored not on ourselves, our own personalities, or even specific expectations for the future, but rather anchored solely on Christ. This hope that centres on bringing our fellow community member to God allows us to speak truthfully to each other, even if we are struggling ourselves, without fear of judgement. Our Vision: God is most glorified when we live lives of fullness and wholeness. This means that we live as He desired us to, making shifts in our way of life, and encouraging each other to do the same.

  • Thursdays, 8pm, at the Catholic Centre (55 Waterloo Street)

Jacob’s Well

  • Jacob's Well was formed in 2017 and is a community of young working adults seeking God and kingdom friendships.

    Our name is adopted from the gospel story of the Samaritan Woman at the well (John4:4-26). Through prayer and discernment, we identified the common themes of healing, child-like faith, trust, discipleship, and living waters as the landmarks of our identity.

    We hope that the community will be a gathering place where members come to take rest in God and draw the living waters. Just as how Jacob's well was also the initial place where the Samaritan woman encountered Christ, we hope for this community to be a place where we come to have encounters with the Lord and continue to seek the living water He provides.

  • Saturdays, 1pm at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Tent of Meeting

  • The ‘Tent of Meeting’ is a place people would go to meet God (Exodus 33:7).

    Our community, formed in 2013 is such a place for us! We desire to be a place of refuge for young working adults to seek God and deepen our relationship with Him, through journeying with one another.

    We meet every week as a community or in our smaller sharing groups. We welcome you to step into our ‘Tent!

  • Thursdays, 8pm, at the Catholic Centre (55 Waterloo Street)

Living Rock

  • The Old Testament tells the story of a rock, struck by Moses, from which water flowed out and became a source of sustenance for the Israelites during their 40 years in the desert. The New Testament brings this metaphor of the rock to completion in the incarnation of Jesus who though struck down in death, rose to new life and became the eternal source of living water, our rock of refuge and fount of life.

    As a community, we seek to drink from the rock of living water, this Living Rock. Whether we share our lives with one another in community, or travel to faraway mission fields to bring others to the rock of living water, we affirm that this community will always be a life-giving place of shelter and refuge for our members, a safe space for rest and renewal - a home where the love and peace of God resides. We also further desire to share this rock of living water with others so that they may come to experience life built on the foundation of Jesus and never be thirsty again.

  • Fridays, 8pm at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

The Lord’s Vineyard

  • “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 We are The Lord’s Vineyard community and we gather as one to remain close to Jesus Christ our source of life. We know that when we are close to the Lord, we will grow and bear much fruit. We invite all who are keen to join us in growing their relationship with Jesus. Come and see where the Lord is calling you towards.

  • Thursdays, 8:00pm, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)


  • The image of a Lighthouse beautifully encapsulates both the identity we bear as Children of Light and the very mission that Christ called us to be on, to be the Salt and Light of the World!

    For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light for the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and right living and truth Ephesians 5: 8

    The Lighthouse’s primary purpose is to be the light that guides seafarers back to safety, refuge and ultimately their homes. This holds a two-fold meaning that invites us to first be reminded of the Light that brought us back home - Christ himself (John 12:46), and also our mission to reflect and bear this Light as a witness and testimony for others; And so in the same way, allowing others to encounter the light of our risen Lord and welcoming them home from whatever storms and seas they are in.

  • Fridays, 8:00pm, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)


  • Genesis was formed in 2020. We aspire to be a community where all desire to encounter, love and stay rooted in Jesus Christ, being missionary to make disciples of all nations. All are welcome!

    “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20 | “Be fruitful and multiply” Genesis 1:28 Genesis meets once a week for cell group during the week and on sunday for community sessions. We are always open to having visitors join our community. Join us for session & let us know which cell group timing you can join us for!“Be fruitful and multiply” Genesis 1:28 Gendered cell groups at one fixed timeslot: Male cell groups: Wed/Thu/Fri Night Female cell group: Wed/Thu/Fri Night, Sat Morning

  • Sundays, 10.45am, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Living Ark

  • Living Ark is a working adults community formed from OYP’s first Graduating University students’ Recollection (GUR) in 2016. Our name draws its inspiration from the Bible passages about the Living Water, Mustard Seed, Ark of the Covenant, and Noah’s Ark!

    We come from many different backgrounds and embrace our variety of gifts and charisms in striving to spread the light of Christ to all we meet. Our community’s vision is to journey from a community of friends to a family in Christ. As a Christian community, we seek to grow our hearts for Christ through praying together & for each other, sharing our lives, and supporting each others’ mission fields.

  • Saturdays, 10-1230pm, at the Office for Young People (OYP)

  • The image of a Lighthouse beautifully encapsulates both the identity we bear as Children of Light and the very mission that Christ called us to be on, to be the Salt and Light of the World!

    For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light for the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and right living and truth Ephesians 5: 8

    The Lighthouse’s primary purpose is to be the light that guides seafarers back to safety, refuge and ultimately their homes. This holds a two-fold meaning that invites us to first be reminded of the Light that brought us back home - Christ himself (John 12:46), and also our mission to reflect and bear this Light as a witness and testimony for others; And so in the same way, allowing others to encounter the light of our risen Lord and welcoming them home from whatever storms and seas they are in.

  • Fridays, 8:00pm, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)



  • Genesis was formed in 2020. We aspire to be a community where all desire to encounter, love and stay rooted in Jesus Christ, being missionary to make disciples of all nations. All are welcome!

    “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20 | “Be fruitful and multiply” Genesis 1:28 Genesis meets once a week for cell group during the week and on sunday for community sessions. We are always open to having visitors join our community. Join us for session & let us know which cell group timing you can join us for!“Be fruitful and multiply” Genesis 1:28 Gendered cell groups at one fixed timeslot: Male cell groups: Wed/Thu/Fri Night Female cell group: Wed/Thu/Fri Night, Sat Morning

  • Sundays, 10.45am, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

  • The ‘Tent of Meeting’ is a place people would go to meet God (Exodus 33:7).

    Our community, formed in 2013 is such a place for us! We desire to be a place of refuge for young working adults to seek God and deepen our relationship with Him, through journeying with one another.

    We meet every week as a community or in our smaller sharing groups. We welcome you to step into our ‘Tent!

  • Thursdays, 8pm, at the Catholic Centre (55 Waterloo Street)


  • Fresh into the working world, we were excited about beginning a new chapter of our lives. However, we were also terrified that we would become just a cog in the corporate wheel and lose sight of God. Knowing that we are created not for isolation but communion, we found that journeying with fellow brothers and sisters was one way in which we could keep our gaze on the Lord. That's how Spero began in 2014: A simple desire for Christ, a recognition of the importance of companions and faith the size of a mustard seed. We remain a community of believers ever striving to make God the centre of our lives. We foster faith by recognising and growing to live fully in our identities in Christ. No matter where you are in your life now, we welcome you and we will walk with you on this oftentimes crazy but beautiful journey as sons and daughters of the King.

    Our Name Spero means ‘I hope’ in Latin. This is a unique hope, one that is anchored not on ourselves, our own personalities, or even specific expectations for the future, but rather anchored solely on Christ. This hope that centres on bringing our fellow community member to God allows us to speak truthfully to each other, even if we are struggling ourselves, without fear of judgement. Our Vision: God is most glorified when we live lives of fullness and wholeness. This means that we live as He desired us to, making shifts in our way of life, and encouraging each other to do the same.

  • Thursdays, 8pm, at the Catholic Centre (55 Waterloo Street)

Tent of Meeting

  • The Old Testament tells the story of a rock, struck by Moses, from which water flowed out and became a source of sustenance for the Israelites during their 40 years in the desert. The New Testament brings this metaphor of the rock to completion in the incarnation of Jesus who though struck down in death, rose to new life and became the eternal source of living water, our rock of refuge and fount of life.

    As a community, we seek to drink from the rock of living water, this Living Rock. Whether we share our lives with one another in community, or travel to faraway mission fields to bring others to the rock of living water, we affirm that this community will always be a life-giving place of shelter and refuge for our members, a safe space for rest and renewal - a home where the love and peace of God resides. We also further desire to share this rock of living water with others so that they may come to experience life built on the foundation of Jesus and never be thirsty again.

  • Fridays, 8pm at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Living Ark

  • Living Ark is a working adults community formed from OYP’s first Graduating University students’ Recollection (GUR) in 2016. Our name draws its inspiration from the Bible passages about the Living Water, Mustard Seed, Ark of the Covenant, and Noah’s Ark!

    We come from many different backgrounds and embrace our variety of gifts and charisms in striving to spread the light of Christ to all we meet. Our community’s vision is to journey from a community of friends to a family in Christ. As a Christian community, we seek to grow our hearts for Christ through praying together & for each other, sharing our lives, and supporting each others’ mission fields.

  • Saturdays, 10-1230pm, at the Office for Young People (OYP)

Living Rock

  • “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 We are The Lord’s Vineyard community and we gather as one to remain close to Jesus Christ our source of life. We know that when we are close to the Lord, we will grow and bear much fruit. We invite all who are keen to join us in growing their relationship with Jesus. Come and see where the Lord is calling you towards.

  • Thursdays, 8:00pm, at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

Jacob’s Well

  • Jacob's Well was formed in 2017 and is a community of young working adults seeking God and kingdom friendships.

    Our name is adopted from the gospel story of the Samaritan Woman at the well (John4:4-26). Through prayer and discernment, we identified the common themes of healing, child-like faith, trust, discipleship, and living waters as the landmarks of our identity.

    We hope that the community will be a gathering place where members come to take rest in God and draw the living waters. Just as how Jacob's well was also the initial place where the Samaritan woman encountered Christ, we hope for this community to be a place where we come to have encounters with the Lord and continue to seek the living water He provides.

  • Saturdays, 1pm at the Office for Young People (2 Lor Low Koon)

The Lord’s Vineyard

Shaun Liu

Working Adults Desk

Biqi Wu

Joanna Chng

Joel Lau

Working Adults Desk

Shaun Liu

Biqi Wu

Joel Lau

Joanna Chng

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Have burning questions or want to learn more about getting connected? Don't be shy, leave us a message and contact number, and we'll be in touch!

Get connected with us!

Have burning questions or want to learn more about getting connected? Don't be shy, leave us a message and contact number, and we'll be in touch!