God’s Love Grows in my Heart

“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

This is a verse that I hold dearly in my heart during the time of SOW. Each morning as I walk to my sweet spot for morning prayer, I would always pass by this brick wall. There was one day when I walked past it and was amazed at how leaves could just grow out of the wall, out of nowhere. I was in awe but left it as it was.

A few weeks later, as I walked past the same wall, I saw that there were now more leaves and a little flower growing out of it!!! It was so cute and beautiful at the same time and I stood there admiring at how amazing God is, having created nature to be so little and yet great at the same time.

It dawned upon me then that the verse above is exactly what God desires for me. That He is doing something new in my heart and even though it takes time for it to grow, there is hope! If little plants and flowers can grow out of brick walls, what more my heart, which is made of flesh, that could allow God’s love to grow even more in my heart?

This is the truth that I hold on to till today – that God is doing a new thing in my heart, be it healing, looking at things/scenarios with new lenses. For me to continue having hope in the Lord, trusting that He is making a way for me, even though I may not be able to comprehend it right now, but to know that He is holding my hand and walking it together with me.


God is Always With Me


His Love Breaks All Chains