Well in the Word
Episode 3: The Beatitudes
In this second episode on the Gospel of Matthew, we take a look at Jesus’ first preaching in His famous...
Episode 2: Who’s This Big Shot Matthew?
This episode is the first of a three-part series on the Gospel of Matthew...
Episode 1: Well(come) in the Word
On this first episode, our hosts (and bible besties) Chloe, Nat and Aldrin talk about what scripture means...
How Should I Read Scripture?
Imagine walking into a library where shelves of books line its hallowed halls. Many kinds of books furnish the shelves...
Scripture, His Love Letter to Me.
I distinctly remember winning a biblical charades game at a friend’s birthday party when I was in primary school...
Why Should I Read Scripture?
Have you ever encountered situations in your life where you’ve wondered: “How do I even make sense of this?” ...