Day: August 12, 2024

Project Taste & See

Homecoming: The Younger Son

By Sophie Wun Dear friends, we’re excited to share our new reconciliation series, Homecoming, with you. Inspired by Henri Nouwen’s book, the Prodigal Son, we’ve prepared reflections, invitations, and testimonies

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Project Taste & See

Homecoming: The Elder Son

By Sophie Wun In 1 Corinthians 13:1-2, St Paul writes, ‘If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a

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Project Taste & See

Homecoming: God the Father

By Zachary Tan The parable of the prodigal son paints for us an image of perfect fatherhood with the defining qualities of love and mercy as key to understanding God

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Project Taste & See

Homecoming: Divine Sonship

Perhaps the most jarring invitation in Henri Nouwen’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son ” is the invitation to ‘become the Father’. It is not enough to just identify with the lustful younger prodigal son or the resentful elder son, and return to the father in reconciliation. The fullness of reconciliation is to claim the fullness of our sonship in God. As children of God (Luke 22:29), we are heirs and have an inheritance to God’s Kingdom. We are called to be “perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is.” (Matt 5:48).

What then are we to make of this? How is it that we who are tainted by original sin and blinded by concupiscence are able to claim this divine sonship?

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Project Taste & See

Homecoming: The Genesis of Confession

By Zachary Tan We may have misconceptions surrounding the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Some may think that it is just an “invention” of the Catholic Church. However, an inquiry into the

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Project Taste & See

The Battle of Prayer

By Jeremiah Trinidad When I was just returning to the faith, I was constantly met with the phrase “I’ll keep you in prayer”. At that time, I recall being slightly

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Project Taste & See

Expressions of Prayer

By Mary John Introduction Prayer is the heart’s resolve to express itself to God and dwell in His presence. Fundamentally, there are 3 main expressions of prayer – Vocal, Meditative

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