Come As You Are (CAYA)
A community for NSFs & NS Enlistees
Come As You Are (CAYA)
A community for NSFs & NS Enlistees

CAYA (Come As You Are) is a community of brothers who are currently doing their National Service. If you are a NSF or are about to entlist, this community is for you!

We meet every Saturday  from 10:00am to 1:00pm. We would love to get to know you and accompany you on your NS journey!

To find out more, write to:

CAYA (Come As You Are) is a community of brothers who are currently doing their National Service. If you are a NSF or are about to entlist, this community is for you!

We meet every Saturday  from 10:00am to 1:00pm. We would love to get to know you and accompany you on your NS journey!

To find out more, write to:

Faith Resources

Serving in Truth Handbook

A spiritual guide to keep with you to your NS journey. Feel free to download this guide and share it with your friends!

Laudate App

Includes many awesome resources such as an interactive Rosary, Daily Readings, and Liturgy of the Hours to name a few – all in a simple to navigate layout.

Pray As You Go

Daily prayer sessions designed to go with you wherever you are to help you pray whenever you find time!

Reimagining the Examen

Based on Mark Thibodeaux SJ’s book, Reimagining the Examen, this app offer flexible versions of the Examen.

Faith Resources

Serving in Truth Handbook

A spiritual guide to keep with you to your NS journey. Feel free to download this guide and share it with your friends!

Laudate App

Includes many awesome resources such as an interactive Rosary, Daily Readings, and Liturgy of the Hours to name a few – all in a simple to navigate layout.

Pray As You Go

Daily prayer sessions designed to go with you wherever you are to help you pray whenever you find time!

Reimagining the Examen

Based on Mark Thibodeaux SJ’s book, Reimagining the Examen, this app offer flexible versions of the Examen.

Get in Touch Have burning questions or want to learn more about getting connected? Don't be shy, leave us a message and contact number, and we'll be in touch!

Get in Touch Have burning questions or want to learn more about getting connected? Don't be shy, leave us a message and contact number, and we'll be in touch!