Walking Through Lent: Jesus Thirsts

Written By: Brendan Loy

As we begin this Third Week of Lent, many of us may be finding ourselves greatly challenged by the realities of our lives; strained relationships, stress from school or work, and struggles with habitual sin. We may find ourselves threatened by many forces which make it difficult for us to stay close to Jesus and may even be tempted to wonder if God has forsaken us as we struggle to keep up with our Lenten commitments. 

Yet, my brothers and sisters, Jesus reminds us this week that He thirsts for us (John 19:28). He thirsts for our faith, our hope and our total surrender to His mercy and goodness. He waits for us, just like He waited for the Samaritan woman to approach Him so that He may give us living water that will fill us with life anew. How then, can we respond to God’s thirst for us and how does this correlate to our Lenten commitments? The Three Pillars of Lent that we base our Lenten commitments on are meant to stretch us and help us to grow. Pope Benedict writes about prayer as growing in friendship with God; fasting as opening our eyes to God and to the needs of others; and almsgiving as an antidote to our human egos. Perhaps, as we navigate our struggles and limitations in navigating them, the real invitation is what we discover through the journey and not how well we do. As we persevere through these practices, may our hearts be more configured to that of Christ who gives us life, and in doing so, may we give more freely to fully receive what He desires to give us.

Reflection Question:
What can I do less of in order to make more room for the voice of Jesus? Commit to one thing which can create space for you to listen to God (e.g a Holy Hour, daily thanksgiving practice, reducing screen time)




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