OYP Turns 9: He Called Me to Save Me

by Natasha Low, Republic Polytechnic Community

I came to know OYP in 2021 when I was invited to attend the SHINE retreat just before I began my polytechnic studies. I wasn’t in a good state at that point as things weren’t going the way I had wanted for my studies. I had begun to develop a false perception that God is biased and that He only loves those that are capable and smart. Unfortunately, I didn’t fit into any of those categories, so I started chasing after worldly desires only to feel emptiness in my heart. As I began my studies after SHINE, nothing much changed as I quickly fell back into secular pursuits like chasing good grades and competing with others. 

However, my life took a big turn while I served in the Empower retreat in 2022. I wasn’t new to service yet serving in OYP was very new to me as I did not really know anyone there and it was a big struggle to meet new people once again and sit with my own discomfort from that. Moreover, I was asked to step up as an intercessory prayer leader and I had no clue what this role entailed or what I could contribute, but I still gave my ‘yes’. Stepping into this mystery the Lord had given me was terrifying in the beginning but slowly, with the gift of courage, I decided to trust in the goodness of the Lord and learned that He truly never fails. The Lord revealed to me that His plans are for the greater good. In Psalm 37:4 it says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” He called me to save me and to receive His immense love for me and to witness how He moves in everyone differently. Through the courage that God gave me, I began to desire more of the Lord in every area of my life, especially in school. 

I want to give thanks to God for being a faithful father who never forsakes me, accepts me and calls me worthy. Because of Him,  I do not need to chase after the world for only He can fill the emptiness in my heart. I pray that OYP will continue to be a place of transformation and healing for young people to return to the Father and continue building His Kingdom!

As we celebrate OYP’s 9th anniversary, it is only fitting that we do so in a spirit of deep gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord. He is the one that continues to write the stories of our dear young people and brings healing to their lives. Over the coming weeks, we will be sharing nine such stories as we celebrate the past nine years. We thank you Lord for your faithfulness! #OYPTurns9

See more of our 9th Anniversary thanksgivings:
OYP Turns 9: Fullness of Life
OYP Turns 9: His Vessel of Love
OYP Turns 9: The Saving Grace of Community
OYP Turns 9: He Moved Me Into A New Way
OYP Turns 9: Jesus Will Always Welcome Me
OYP Turns 9: My Incredible Adventure with the Lord
OYP Turns 9: God’s Favour Upon Me



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