
A few weeks back, a friend asked me to rate 2019 on a scale of 1 to 10. I couldn’t do it for the simple reason that 2019 contained possibly the highest highs and lowest lows of my short life thus far, and giving the average of 5 didn’t seem fair. That conversation made me recap the events that happened in that year and while it wasn’t clear to me at that, I now see that even though 2019 was a real rollercoaster with zero chill, God was so so faithful throughout.

Thinking back on all of it now, I am overwhelmed with gratitude at the journey that the Lord has brought me on. The seasons of consolation are ones that I will hold dear to my heart in remembrance of God’s sovereignty in my life and the seasons of desolation are ones that remind me of how much I need Him.

In many moments during the School of Witness 2020 (SOW), the Lord assured me of His constant presence on this journey and invites me to live in that truth every moment of my life. I know that many seasons of desolation still await me, but I do not live in fear of them, because I know that my God will not abandon me. I trust that everything I go through (both the good and bad) will be used to bring Him glory.

Jesus, I pray that in moments of desolation when we are tempted to believe that You are absent in our lives, You open our eyes to see and perceive the good work that You have done and are doing in the midst of our pain. Give us the grace to trust that You are closer to us than we know and that there is always hope. Amen.

“On the mountains,
I will bow my life
To the One who set me there.
In the valley, I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there.
When I’m standing on the mountain aft,
Didn’t get there on my own.
When I’m walking through the valley end,
No, I am not alone.”
(Hills and Valleys – Tauren Wells)


The Lord My Promise Keeper


Jesus Opens My Eyes and Heart