Walking Through Lent: The Widow’s Mite

by Alfred Bernas

“The world is improved by starting with oneself, changing, with God’s grace,
everything in one’s life that is not going well.” (Pope Benedict XVI).

Lent is a calling for us to entrust our lives to Christ and to allow Him to renew us. This process of renewal involves the need for great courage as we are invited to open up even the deepest, darkest and most shameful parts of our lives to Christ so that He can bring His healing light into them. It may seem like a tall order, but it often starts with just one small act. 

The parable of the Widow’s Mite (Mark 12:44) perfectly illustrates this. The widow was poor and did not have much to her name, but she cast her copper coins into the temple treasury nonetheless. To the untrained eye, the offering was barely a drop in the ocean and would appear to not have any real value. But Jesus sees beyond the tangible and into the heart. The true value of the gesture was in knowing that the widow gave generously from her circumstance of lack with a sincere heart. Similarly, we too can trust that Jesus will not despise a contrite heart. Even from our places of brokenness and lack, He meets us where we are and He accepts our lowly offerings.

Reflection Question:
What is one small but concrete step you can take to deepen your trust in God today? Share this with your small group and be accountable to each other. End your time of sharing with a prayer for each other.





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