Called to Carry Hope

by Anita Zidar

Just as Mary accepted Jesus and gave her body to hold Him and bring Him into the world, we too are called to now carry Jesus within our hearts and deliver Him unto the world. Our faith teaches us that love is not truly love until it has been given away for the good of the other. This Christmas, as we exchange gifts and celebrate with loved ones, what will we do with all the blessings, good fortune, and happiness we bask in?

After a season of weariness, we arrive at the end of the year with Christmas, where things are finally beginning to  look up after two years of battling Covid-19. We have had to deal with many changes and make many adjustments. Things we previously took for granted like attending mass on Christmas day has become such an intense moment for most of us, camping out on our laptops or phones; with no guarantee that we would be successful in securing a slot to attend mass and meet Jesus on this important occasion of his birth.

This small glimpse of uncertainty in our otherwise comfortable lives, is perhaps an opportunity to unite with, and appreciate the reality of what Mary and Joseph had to endure as the time to birth Jesus drew near. There was no convenient appointment at the hospital, no delivery room prepared, or nurses to assist them, no doctor to come and deliver the baby safely, no clean bed for Mary to rest  on. As they went from inn to inn, while Mary grappled with labour pains, what must it have been like? 

Scripture tells us that there is no guarantee of a bed of roses in life. As it says in John 16:33,”In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Have we too had to contend with uncertainty and wondering when the Lord would show up after giving our yes? When trials have met u on our journey, what has been response? How can we too respond in faith the way that Mary and Joseph did?

As we arrive at the birth of Jesus, we are reminded of the hope that has been given to us. Not just empty hope that is far and unreachable, but a hope that is near and available to us. Just like the shepherds in the Gospel who were nearby keeping watch over their flock at night when the angel of the Lord appeared to them, Christ has also come down to us personally.

As we celebrate Christmas in this unique season, may we be reminded that Jesus Christ is born in our hearts and that He is never too far away or unreachable. This message of hope is personal and for each one of us. Will we respond and follow the summons to journey to the manger and meet baby Jesus?

This Christmas, we have a unique opportunity to really go deep and be intentional about our celebrations. Just as Mary carried and nurtured Jesus until he was ready to be birthed into the world, so too it is for us not just to receive him in our hearts, but to nurture Him there for the people who need Him in their lives, and birth Him unto them!

As we celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, how have you been allowing Him to be born in your heart? Just as Mary and Joseph responded out of their deep love and devotion to the Lord and brought forth Jesus to the world, we too are called to not only make room for Him in our hearts today, but to carry Him forth to the people who need Him the most! Blessed Christmas!



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