EXALT21 Thanksgiving: April, RCIY

By April, OYP Rite of the Christian Initiation journey (RCIY) participant








Hello all, my name is April and I am a current participant of the OYP Rite of the Christian Initiation journey (RCIY). I encountered Jesus Christ at EXALT21 and I just want to scream from the mountain tops the simple truth that I have received: God always has our backs, and He is always with us! This is my testimony.

Honestly, pre-EXALT21 me would have never imagined myself attending EXALT21, let alone enquire about the faith. I was initially apprehensive as I had to attend EXALT21 with a group of sisters from RCIY whom I had not interacted with before. I also wondered if it was possible to encounter God virtually. However from the moment that EXALT21 began, the apprehension and worries that I had at the back of my mind started to fade away. I was immediately immersed into a loving environment when I entered into my host family’s home, together with my friendly and authentic sisters in Christ who were very willing to share about their faith journey and their struggles. 

During the workshop and keynote sessions, I felt that I was being spoken to directly by God Himself. A few reflections struck me: That I desire salvation, hope and unconditional love. I, a mere mortal, is worthy of God’s love. The deepest reflection that came up for me was a strong reminder that Jesus is always by my side

I often dismissed the notion that Jesus walks alongside me – I remember being able to pride myself on finding my own solutions to problems I was facing. This happened until 2016, when I was at a loss as to what to do when some family issues surfaced. I felt helpless and desperate and started praying to Jesus again. Seeking Him then gave me comfort and hope for the future. As I recall this dark period of my life, I realise that I no longer look back on the desolation of the period but instead, on the sparks of hope that Jesus had given me in that time. I recognize now that Jesus was indeed walking alongside me all this while. 

After being opened up to receive His graces, I went into Evangelistic Night yearning for more, and God fulfilled my desires. I remember experiencing His presence so tangibly when my sisters and I gathered at my host family’s place and prayed together at the end of mass. I felt the warmth of His embrace and I experienced my worries and anxieties being lifted up to Him. I teared up because I knew in my heart that He had heard my prayers and answered my cry out to Him, and what I felt in my heart was that deep sense of hope that everything will be alright. I felt reassured once again – that not only did God walk with me the past, – in this present moment, in my highs and lows, He continues to walk with me. 

Now that I have encountered God so tangibly, I claim the truth in confidence that God constantly provides a safe harbour to those who are weary and lost. He has awakened in me a deeper desire to live out this new life in Christ in a secular world – to be His ambassador starting in simple ways, such as saying grace before meals and praying for others. While the path ahead is unknown to me, I walk in confidence that there is no need to fear or worry, for as long as His light shines on me, I am safe. And because of His light, I can be light for others on this journey too. Amen!



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