Good Friday: Personal Reflection, Option 2


Option 2. John the Beloved. 

Read Jn 18:1-19:42 once through to familiarize yourself with the Passion narrative. 

Read the Passion Narrative again. This time, read it from the eyes of John. Even if John is not mentioned in certain scenes, allow yourself the freedom to imagine where he could have been, what he was thinking etc. 

If you find yourself being drawn to a particular scene, stay on that scene as you pray. You can guide your reflection with the following questions

  • “…Whom do you seek?” (John 18:4) Who is Jesus to you? 
  • If you are drawn to a particular scene, why? How do you feel at the particular scene? 
  • As you imagine yourself standing at the foot of the cross, what do you see? How do you feel? 
  • How does Jesus speak to you in your life situation in this present moment?

Closing Prayer
Thank the Lord for this time of reflection. 

Personal Reflection
What is one word that describes your takeaway from this activity today? Share the word on social media, and don’t forget to hashtag #HOmeLYWEEK and tag us You may reflect and pray on it at your own time. Here are some guiding questions.

What image, memory, feeling comes to mind from the word of the day? If so, why?





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