Holy Saturday: Afternoon Activity

Giving Hope to Others

In this climate of fear and anxiety due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our friends and family members may be dwelling in hopelessness, despair. As brothers and sisters who are part of the body of Christ, which is the Church, we too have a responsibility in inspiring, encouraging and reminding each other of the hope that our faith offers us! Even in suffering, there is grace. Even in death, there is life. Thus, we would like you to give hope to others! We have two activities – one for adults and one for children. 

Option 1
For youth and adults. 

Gather materials.
Find some drawing materials i.e. paper, envelopes, markers, colour pencils etc. 

Enter into a time of prayer and ask the Lord to reveal to you the name of a friend/family member who is in need of hope right now. Ask the Lord to reveal to you an image, inspiring and uplifting bible verse, quote or passage.

Writing and/or drawing
Pen down the message you have received in prayer in the way you feel drawn to. You can choose to draw, to write etc. Write a short prayer or some words to accompany and explain the image or verse.

Seal and send
Seal everything in an envelope and snail-mail (means you have to get the address!) it to the individual you have prayed for. We highly encourage you to send a physical letter via snail-mail. In this season when everything is online, it would be a breath of fresh air to receive something physical to touch! If circumstances do not allow it ie. hard to get stamps, serving SHN or quarantine, you can choose to scan/take a photo and send it to the person via e-messaging. 

Share on social media
Share the image you have drawn or the words of truth that you have written, that others (who are not your intended recipient) may too be blessed! Don’t forget to hashtag it #HOmeLYWeek and tag us @oyp.sg

Option 2
For Children

This would also be a wonderful activity to engage your children in – teaching them the joy of giving hope to others! Click HERE are some colouring sheets that you can print for them! After colouring it, invite them to think of someone they can give it to, so that they can bless someone too. 

Share with your child the reason for doing this activity and about the importance of bringing hope to others in this time. Ask them to think of a friend who they would like to send hope to at this time. 

There are different colouring sheets that are available for download. Invite your child(ren) to choose the template that they are drawn to so that they will have a sense of ownership. 

The colouring can begin! 

Seal and send
Seal everything in an envelope and snail-mail (means you have to get the address!) it to the individual you have prayed for.

Share on social media.
Share the image you have drawn or the words of truth that you have written, that others (who are not your intended recipient) may too be blessed! Don’t forget to hashtag it #HOmeLYWeek and tag us @oyp.sg



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