Walking Through Lent: A New Life of Love

Written By: Nikki Pereira 
Artwork By: Micaela Arriola

This week’s chapters reminded me of the need to constantly seek God’s mercy, and to allow Him to teach us to live a new life of love. In Jesus’s death and Resurrection, we experience the fullness of God’s mercy and are invited into new life. As Pope Benedict writes:

In the Eucharist Jesus also makes us witnesses of God’s compassion toward all our brothers and sisters. The Eucharistic mystery thus gives rise to a service of charity toward neighbour, which “consists in the very fact that, in God and with God, I love even the person whom I do not like or even know.

Reflecting on this, God’s invitation was to be more intentional in choosing to live a new life of love. While I have experienced God’s love and mercy, I struggle at times to choose to live a new life of love. Instead, I choose to be prideful, impatient, and selfish, in my thoughts, speech, and actions. This week’s chapters reminded me of the depth of Jesus’ total sacrifice so that we may experience God’s mercy. I pray that we may desire to be witnesses of this mercy by choosing to live in a new life of love.

One takeaway to ponder + concrete action:

In showing us His mercy, God also teaches us to live a new life of love. Set aside time this week to be present with God at Mass or Adoration. As you enter into prayer, recall and give thanks to God for the ways you have experienced His mercy. In prayer, ask God for the grace to learn to love as He loves.




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