Testimony & Thanksgiving:

Over the August school term, students from our Polytechnic, ITE and Private Diploma campus communities gathered on the 12th and 19th of August for formation and group sharing online as part of the ANEW session series. The sessions covered how to continue abiding in Christ as an individual and a community through prayer, sacraments, and kingdom friendship. We hear from some students on what they are thankful for:

I give thanks for learning the meaning of good and bad fruit and the power of prayer. This has helped me grow closer to God as, during prayer, I pray more wholeheartedly and truly listen for His voice. I’m more open to the Lord and allowing Him to take away my bad fruits and let Him take control. ANEW has also made me feel closer to my community as we pray together, allowing for a space to be more vulnerable and open to, not only the Lord but each other. This has given me a sense of belonging and shown me the true meaning of Kingdom Friendships and how God works through these friendships. – Kristen Choong, Ngee Ann Polytechnic

I give thanks for being reminded of the gift of love and warmth of the community. In the past few months, it was hard for me to realize god’s love and presence through online masses alone. 

It is very true that “when two or more are gathered in my name, I am there in the midst of them.” Being in a community, it makes me feel hopeful and very optimistic about moving forward with Christ when conversing or praying with my fellow community members who have been nothing but encouraging and supportive. When speaking with Christ in our hearts and minds, I feel very motivated and encouraged to continue treading the rough and unpredictable seas that lay ahead of me. – Alfonsus David Koo, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

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Well in The Word

Episode 2: Who’s This Big Shot Matthew?

This episode is the first of a three-part series on the Gospel of Matthew. Our bible besties take a journey back into Matthew’s time, exploring questions about who wrote the Gospel of Matthew, what makes it special, and why the early Church thought it was so important.

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On Key

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Episode 2: Who’s This Big Shot Matthew?

This episode is the first of a three-part series on the Gospel of Matthew. Our bible besties take a journey back into Matthew’s time, exploring questions about who wrote the Gospel of Matthew, what makes it special, and why the early Church thought it was so important.

Episode 1: Well(come) in the Word

This month, July 2024, has been designated as “Bible Month” by the Regional Biblical Commission. We hope that this four-episode series on scripture will help you better appreciate the beauty of God’s word — the very foundation of our faith!

Join Aldrin, Chloe and Nat as they begin their journey deep into scripture 📖

Truth Be Told: I am Made for More.

Most of my life has been a search for meaning and purpose. For many years, I believed that success was the answer. I worked hard, and eventually  secured a job that I was both excited and passionate about.  I did well at my job. Everything seemed to be falling into place.