Testimony & Thanksgiving: Fishers of Men

OYP recently ran Fishers of Men Leadership School for our OYP Young Working Adult Communities. Over 5 days, we met on Zoom to worship, pray, share, as well as to study, preach, and testify. The Lord called each of us to “Put out into the deep and let your nets down for a catch.” (Luke 5:4). It was a time where we were called to deepen our faith and choose to follow Christ more faithfully. Our hearts were set on fire for Christ and His Church, to reach out to His sheep. Here are some testimonies from our time together:

Coming into FOM, I was spiritually dry, with feelings of being lost, inadequate and fearful. For I felt that the Lord was done with me, and everything I had to offer to community wasn’t enough, and perhaps that my efforts were all for nothing.

However, this myopic vision changed entirely as the Lord allowed me to see that in my ministry, the focus had shifted onto myself and my own brokenness. During one of the sessions, I was able to tell the Lord “I am sorry for making it all about myself” and that desire to put him first as Lord of my life again overflowed and his overwhelming presence of love and mercy engulfed me! Thank you Jesus for your mercies again and again and never abandoning me! 

Moving from this school, I would like to claim that the Lord has never abandoned me and is with me through every season! “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Phil 1:6) I claim that all the sacrifices and suffering for the salvation of souls is worth it and that it is not me who does the work but Him! – Justyn Goh, Lighthouse



On Key

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