Project Living: Preparation Guide

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Before Triduum

“Do not come any closer,” God said.
“Take off your sandals, for the place
where you are standing is holy ground.”

(Exodus 3:5)

As we enter into the triduum for Holy Week, we invite you to find a space in your home where you can set up a prayer space/altar for the next three days! Why set up a prayer space? Especially in this season where we are not able to go to a physical Church for mass and prayer, and when many adoration rooms remain closed, having a prayer space set aside in our homes reminds us that God is always present and is an invitation to break out of our daily routine to speak to Him.

“The prayer corner in my room is a symbol that reminds me of the need to pray regularly… This place for prayer signifies the Holy breaking into an ordinary space where I work and take my rest and it symbolically re-orientates me so that what I do should be directed towards serving the Lord and His people. This space set apart for God helps me to turn to Him – it is a fortress of silence built upon my past experiences of prayer and with God that shields me from the noise of my ego which asserts itself especially when I am tired or stressed, angry or broken and that invites and embraces me, like the arms of a mother. When I sit in my prayer corner, I find it easier to set aside the many things that demand my attention and focus on the one Person who matters – Jesus, my Lord and my Love.” – Br. Simon Ho, Creating Prayer Space

How do I set up my own prayer space?

This prayer space is YOURS, and so you are invited to place anything that aids you in entering into the disposition of prayer and reflection. This can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Crucifix
  • Candle and lighter (be careful!)
  • Icons or statues of Jesus, Mary and/or the Saints
  •  Bible
  • Journal
  • Purple cloth (or any other coloured cloth to cover the crucifix on Good Friday)
  • Music playlist
  • Flowers

So, let’s go and find a space in our homes to set up our prayer space! Don’t forget to take a photo and share with us on social media with the  #HOmeLYWeek once you have set it up!

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Holy Thursday

Find a group of friends/community to gather virtually during the evening

For Option 1:

  • Slice of bread
  • Your own dinner meal
  •  Have Annex A available

For Option 2:

  • Your own dinner portion
  • Have Annex B available
  • Journal and writing materials


  • Art materials including paper (white/coloured), colouring pencils, crayons etc.
  • Journal and writing materials
  • Device to play music
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Good Friday


  • Journal and writing materials
  • Device to play music
  • Bible


  • Find a group of friends/community to gather virtually
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Holy Saturday


  • Art material including paper (white/coloured), colouring pencils, crayons etc.
  • Envelopes and stamps
  • (For families with children) Print colouring sheet templates


  • Find a group of friends/community to gather virtually during the evening
  • Journal and writing materials

Let us journey onwards to the resurrection with expectant Faith and JOY!

Download this guide!

Holy Week



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