Talitha Koum

To all of us who have told ourselves that we have no one to rely on but ourselves, Jesus calls out to you today. Which areas of your lives are you playing the role of saviour in? The Saviour of your soul invites you to take courage and trust in Him!

After you watch this video, ponder the areas of control that you struggle to surrender to the Lord. In prayerful contemplation, invite Jesus into these areas and ask for the grace to surrender.

For further reflection:

You may also want to pray with the creative reflection on Barrabas and Jesus

Do not be afraid to ask for prayers from your friends if you need them. Call for help, if you need. A reminder to also not rely on yourself, especially in this season. Bless one another with the gift of prayer!

Direction: Ryan Tay
Performed by: Participants of the School of Witness 2020 (Sow2020)Filmed by: Saint Max Pte Ltd

© 2020 Office for Young People. All rights reserved.

Let us continue onwards to the Joy of the resurrection!


Holy Week




Well in The Word

Episode 2: Who’s This Big Shot Matthew?

This episode is the first of a three-part series on the Gospel of Matthew. Our bible besties take a journey back into Matthew’s time, exploring questions about who wrote the Gospel of Matthew, what makes it special, and why the early Church thought it was so important.

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On Key

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Episode 2: Who’s This Big Shot Matthew?

This episode is the first of a three-part series on the Gospel of Matthew. Our bible besties take a journey back into Matthew’s time, exploring questions about who wrote the Gospel of Matthew, what makes it special, and why the early Church thought it was so important.

Episode 1: Well(come) in the Word

This month, July 2024, has been designated as “Bible Month” by the Regional Biblical Commission. We hope that this four-episode series on scripture will help you better appreciate the beauty of God’s word — the very foundation of our faith!

Join Aldrin, Chloe and Nat as they begin their journey deep into scripture 📖

Truth Be Told: I am Made for More.

Most of my life has been a search for meaning and purpose. For many years, I believed that success was the answer. I worked hard, and eventually  secured a job that I was both excited and passionate about.  I did well at my job. Everything seemed to be falling into place.