Testimony & Thanksgiving: The Greatest Love

by Alvin Mok
The Fig Tree community has been a place where I have truly felt the love of God through the authentic relationships I have experienced. These relationships have led me to realize how much I am loved by the Lord and that I am truly a child of God. I have never been in a place where I have been supported in so many different aspects of my faith life; the community has never once rejected a prayer request. Its reassuring to know that whatever endeavor you might be going through, your petitions are always being brought to Christ through many fervent prayers.

The Relationships that I have forged through community have seen me through many moments of darkness in my life.  I remember in 2016 when I had a medical crisis, my community was a source of constant reassuring support for me.  I did feel fear and trepidation when I had to go for an operation, but never did I feel alone.  In Matthew 18:20 it says ‘’where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” I felt that I was able to lift up the obstacles in my life strengthened by my community in union with Christ. That episode granted me the gift of being able to pray through my difficulties and embrace the Joy of Christ even in challenging moments.

Once of the things I thank my community for are the authentic friendships that I have been blessed with. There are many moments of treasured fellowship in the sessions that we have had together. Through the years, we have truly been able to work through our differences and accept our individual flaws. I am greatly edified that we can challenge one another and speak words of truth to each other without judgment.  In Romans 12:5 ‘’So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.’’ My community cradles me in love, and I do believe that we aspire to be each other’s keeper as we belong to one another.

In this journey of faith, I can testify that the most challenging moments in my faith have been the ones that have also brought me closest to God. I have to thank my brothers and sisters for challenging me to live a more authentic Christian life. I look to them as examples to follow and to be inspired by. In this journey, I am proud to testify that I have a community that Loves me and supports me unconditionally in my Journey of faith. In John 15 12-13, it says “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’’  I have gained so much and been loved so deeply by the so many people in my community.  I pray that I would be able to always be able to follow the Lord’s example of love, and to grow closer to the Lord through loving my brothers and sisters in Christ.



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