Introduction: OYP Lentent Project 2021

Now that we have begun the season of Lent, it’s a good time to review what Lent is really about. In this video, we talk about the meaning of Lent, and shed some light about why we observe this season.

To support and deepen our Lenten journeys with daily inspiration, we are rolling out a Lenten Booklet every Sunday. Look out for the next one this coming Sunday!

The Significance of Ashes

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week – a week in which we follow Jesus on His journey filled with both suffering and triumph. Holy Week is also the final week of Lent before we celebrate Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday 🎉

Patricia Choo from NTU’s Catholic Student Apostolate (CSA) shares with us the meaning of Palm Sunday and gives us tips on how we can prepare our hearts for Holy Week, so that we can more actively participate in the passion of the Lord.

In the coming days of Holy Week, be sure to look out for our social media posts everyday and allow them to inspire you. Perhaps our Lenten journeys thus far have been challenging and there have been times when we feel like throwing in the towel, but let us ask the Lord this week to grant us the strength to continue moving with faith!

Holy Week Reflections

Holy Week Monday

Holy Week Tuesday

Holy Week Wednesday

Holy Week Thursday

Holy Week Friday

Lenten Booklets

The Pillars of Lent