School of Witness
The School of Witness (SOW) is an 8-week, live-in discipleship school. It is open to any young person between 18 to 30 years of age. SOW typically runs from January to March every year, with a short break over the lunar new year holidays.
The school aims to provide an environment of faith in which young people can be encouraged and challenged to go beyond their comfort zones, to grow in the awareness of who God is and who they are.
Read the testimonies of past participants below!
SOW 2021
I am the third child in my family; with two older brothers, and a younger sister. My parents divorced 12 years ago. My relationship with…
Before attending School of Witness (SOW), I was what people would term a Sunday Catholic. I attended Mass on Sundays…
I went into the School of Witness feeling like I had it all together. Like every part of my life, my spiritual life was also something I…
I grew up in a Catholic family of five; made up of my mother, and three elder brothers. While I was growing up, I was filled with…
I am 26 years old this year and am a cradle Catholic with two younger sisters and a family that is very loving, but not active in…
I'm a cradle Catholic and come from a family of two children. Being the elder brother, I had to be responsible for myself so…
Growing up, I was a very angry person. I would respond to small situations with rage, irritation and frustration, but I would choose…
My earliest memories of me and my mom were fond ones. I remember eating blackforest cake with her, her coming specifically…
I am 19 this year and I grew up in a family of 5, My mom, my dad, my 2 sisters and me, the middle child. I struggled with my dad…
I am the youngest with two older sisters. I first entertained the idea of coming to SOW after I had completed my National…
Before coming into School of Witness (SOW), I was also entering a transition phase in my life as I was leaving my first job. For the…
I come from a family of five, and we are quite religious. Being a cradle Catholic; I attended Catechism class, joined Catholic…
I am a cradle Catholic and grew up in a family of four. Before coming to School of Witness, I struggled a lot with negative self-image…
Growing up in a Christ-centred family and being active in church even after Confirmation, I’ve always thought that my relationship…
I am a cradle Catholic and I am the youngest of four children. Growing up, my parents constantly hammered the importance…
Since childhood, I have always been told that if I do my best and try hard enough, God will do the rest and I will do well. This…
I come from a Catholic family and am a cradle Catholic. So the faith has always been a constant in my life. However, my only…
Before coming into SOW, my relationship with Christ was one where I kept Him at arm's length as I was afraid of what He would…
Prior to entering into SOW, I felt that I had made it by society's standards. I had a good GPA, just entered into my first…
Before coming to School of Witness (SOW), I was working with a company that made me question the meaning and purpose of…
Before coming to School of Witness (SOW), I struggled a lot with scrupulosity - I was very paranoid about sinning, and felt that if I…
Prior to SOW, my identity and self-worth was of that of the world. I constantly craved external validation from others and…
While growing up, I was bullied a lot. In every stage of my school life, I found myself feeling unwanted and unnecessary. It made…
I was born into a Catholic family, but we rarely talked much about our own faith. If there’s one thing I know about God, it is…
I come from a big family, with four siblings. When I was much younger, my dad passed away. While I was growing up…
But growing up, and even in my adult years, my faith remained lukewarm until I joined an OYP community. Weekly community…
Despite being a cradle Catholic, I only grew to encounter the Lord in my later teens. Last year, however, my faith was shaken…
My life before School of Witness (SOW) was pretty ordinary. In many ways I tried to live a good Catholic girl life and tried to do…
I come from a loving family 7 made up of my dad, mum, 4 siblings and myself. My siblings excelled in school and I found…
Creative Reflections
He reached out to me/In my darkness/He returned to me/The spark of my life; I see the miracle of my conception in the past of…
Before SOW, I felt like the lost sheep, out in the wilderness and separated from my Creator. Although I felt anxious to return to…
My art piece is Jesus holding baby me. I drew this because this describes my journey in SOW. Jesus sees me as a baby boy…
Behold, the sacred heart of Jesus, the source of all love, grace and compassion. This heart bore all the ridicule and insults…
The word that sums up my SOW testimony would be restoration. The idea to paint a cracked vase came to mind where there were…
My art piece today reveals the simple but complex reality of my life in all of its mess, struggles and insecurities. You Lord, have…
Before entering SOW, I struggled in believing in the presence of Christ in my life. I have always been active in church but…
Flowers blooming at a pink background. The pinkish background represents the sweet love of the Lord…
For so long/I've played the game of life/Nothing to gain everything to lose/Finding love I chased the wind…
When I let go of self-condemnation and scrupulosity, I can live open-handedly and hold onto Jesus to be my Everything…
Holy is the Lord revealed before my eyes, that my burning heart could barely take it in. Beholding the beauty of God…
As humans, we are broken in so many areas. With God's love, we are slowly restored. God's Love is so immense that even if it…
The Lord is standing over the tomb and beckoning Lazarus to come out. The light of Christ on the dirt road signifies hope…
There were 3 main ideas that I wanted to capture in my art. Firstly, the childlikeness that the Lord has brought me back to…
My art piece was inspired by the theme of joy, love, restoration and peace. The Lord was represented by the sun…
During SOW, the Lord reminded me that He wants to be the Lord of all my life and not just parts that I am willing to surrender to…
The fallen apple represents me. Even though I have rejected God many times, my community (namely family, represented by…
This artwork focuses on the theme of freedom and restoration. The butterfly symbolises new life. The old has passed, the new…
Through SOW, I’ve learnt of how integral God’s strength is in my life. It’s not only the force that keeps me going, but also what…
I tried to drown myself/with the water of self-condemnation/ satisfied with being extinguished/from flames I believed/would only…
God created a colourful, beautiful world for us to live in. The different colours in the painting depict how Jesus has brought…
Through SOW, God has grown and nurtured the tree of love and grace inside of me. This growing tree is overshadowing the tree…
Once held captive and trapped in darkness. I now recognise God’s call in my life. It is because of his relentless pursuit and…
‘You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You’ - St Augustine
The mountains and valleys signify life's ups and downs but through every season, Jesus walks with me every step of the way…
The hands represent how the Lord invites me to live open-handedly, to allow Him to lead and guide me in all that I do…
Through these 8 weeks the lord has been pouring out his love upon me; so much so that it overflows the cup of my heart…
This artwork represents the freedom that I have come to experience during SOW - freedom from my attachment to…
S0W 2020
Before coming for the School of Witness (SOW), I was active in church - teaching catechism, attending community to serving in…
Growing up, I never felt special or important. My parents quarrelled constantly and home never felt like home...
Before entering the School of Witness (SOW), I was in a really bad space. My anxiety and panic attacks were almost...
If I were to describe my past, the words I would use includes condemned, shunned, alone, afraid, humiliated,...
Before coming to the School of Witness (SOW), I was a typical Sunday Catholic. I was distant from God and didn't...
Since encountering Christ three years ago, there has been ups and downs in my faith journey. I constantly strive to be a good...
Since I was a child I grew up with lots of affirmation. It. Was. Great! But to ensure I was liked by others...
Before entering the School of Witness, I had strong personal encounters with Jesus and was already on the journey...
I am an only child born to my parents who tried really hard to conceive and had me in their late 30s. I lived most of my childhood years doing everything that I’m told...
Just before I started SOW, a friend asked me, “What’s the favourite part of yourself?”, and I couldn’t answer, because I didn’t really like any part of myself...
Before coming to the School of Witness, I was contented with life. I didn’t discern about coming to SOW or made any big sacrifices but was pressured by...
Life before SOW was repetitive, boring and mundane. I felt no purpose in my life and it seemed that everyone around me had plans for the future...
Coming into the School of Witness, I felt excited. I had left the church in 2014, and by God’s grace I began my journey home in 2018...
I am a cradle catholic and I come from a unique family. My biological family includes my dad and three older sisters. My mother passed away when I was six...
I am the oldest child with 2 younger brothers. Being the eldest, I felt responsible to be a good example for my younger brothers. This included doing all the “right” things...
Growing up in a typical Asian family, academics was a priority. As I grew up as an only child, there was pressure on me to do well in everything. Before coming to School of Witness...
Before coming to the School of Witness, I always sought validation from others. This is especially so at work where I sought to gain the validation of my bosses and seniors...
Before coming to the School of Witness, my faith was stagnant. I come from a family of four and we are all very involved in church work. I have been serving in church...
I grew up in a family of six kids, with very loving parents. I would say my parents are good Catholics – go for mass daily, help out in communities...
Helpless. Fearful. Tired. Abandoned. Lost. Wounded. Unloved. Unworthy. These words describe my weary heart as I entered the School of Witness (SOW)...
Before attending School of Witness, I was active in my parish and university Catholic community. People would tell me that I am warm and approachable and I was pleased with myself...
I come from a family of six. I have an older sister and 2 younger brothers. While growing up, I do not recall my dad being very involved in my life...
I am a cradle catholic, and born into a family of four. When I was 12 years old, my parents got a divorce. I turned to my friends and through serving the community...
Before coming to SOW, I would only pray, visit the adoration room and attend daily masses if I was praying for something. When problems arose..
Growing up in a family of six, I constantly feared that I was unwanted and unloved. I often chose to lock myself away, and be a lone ranger. I also hid behind a smile...
I am a cradle Catholic but not brought up in the faith. I grew up in a traditional Chinese household where achievements such as doing well in school were valued...
“Let God tend to others first. I’m feeling okay. I can deal with it later.” These thoughts were on my mind before coming into the School of Witness (SOW)...
When I was young, I was a very friendly child. However, an incident that occurred caused me to recoil into a shell of timidity. On the first day of primary school...
I come from a family of six and I am the third child. Before attending the School of Witness (SOW), I felt displaced, unnecessary and rejected. There were many times where..
For most of my life, I struggled with loving and believing in myself. I constantly sought validation and affirmation from others...
Creative Reflections
What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ?’ Personally, to be a disciple is more than just saying "I love you Jesus". But rather it…
The Holy Spirit is a mysterious person that you need to be open to and aware of to encounter. For me, I find it really hard...
As I was reflecting about the Holy Spirit, I was reminded of this particular stargazing scene from the movie Abominable...
A guitar’s build process from start to end takes into attention a numerous amount of details. Different wood materials are used...
I was reminded of His faithfulness to me on this very swing behind the Office for Young People (OYP). It was the very...
The roads on the image represent the different paths I take in my life. Some of them are straight, bent while others...
As a person who loves astronomy, a night sky of stars never fails to elicit a deep sense of awe and wonder in me at God’s beauty...
A few weeks back, a friend asked me to rate 2019 on a scale of 1 to 10. I couldn’t do it for the simple reason...
During the school, one area I really struggled in was the dance. Yet I was constantly encouraged by this image...
The Lord has been inviting me to step out of my darkness into the light. Even though it may make me uncomfortable...
The picture I took is of this bright yellow bird in one of the trees in the field. It reminded me of how unexpected God is...
I really love nature and the outdoors, and I really see the presence of God in the beauty of the world He created...
I’m thankful that the Lord has managed to surface to me the hurts that I have kept hidden for so long. I often chose many...
God the Father is love, He is kind, He is compassion, He is mercy. Everyday he looks over that horizon, waiting to see...
Jesus reminds me that he has always been there for me since the start of my journey. He watches over me...
Every brick in a wall is crucial in maintaining the integrity and stability of the wall. Similarly, we as members...
I only realised during the School of Witness (SOW), how God comes to us in the small things. I had always looked for big...
A tree’s leaves eventually fall off. Paint chips off. Concrete cracks and breaks apart. Metals rust. Appliances break...
I only realised during the School of Witness (SOW), how God comes to us in the small things. I had always looked for big...
I came into the School of Witness (SOW) having a lot of fears and anxieties that weighed me down. I was wounded and...
During a stroll around the OYP compound, I was drawn to the word, ”RESERVED” on a parking space...
God the Father is love, He is kind, He is compassion, He is mercy. Everyday he looks over that horizon, waiting to see...
God the Father is love, He is kind, He is compassion, He is mercy. Everyday he looks over that horizon, waiting to see...
Sometimes, when we think we know better, we go astray, often to the brink of doom. However, God is like the Good Shepherd...
For me, inner healing has been a journey of looking back into the memories that hurt me a lot and having the Lord...
Nature reminds me of God’s creation, and the importance of conserving the earth. As I am quite drawn towards...
Many a times, we deprive ourselves of salvation because of our own guilt and shame...
During a stroll around the OYP compound, I was drawn to the word, ”RESERVED” on a parking space...
By Jesus’ dying on the cross, He who was without sin took on all the sins of humankind then and of future generations, giving his life as the ultimate sacrifice...